lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

WEB 2.0 in the Classroom

Hey, there! The last time I posted, I wrote about web 2.0 and great 2.0 websites that could be used in the classroom. This time, I will write about how to use two different web 2.0 resources in the classroom.

For our 3rd practical work,  Each group was given a topic (in our case, verb phrases with 'go', 'have' and 'get') and we had to think about a didactic sequence in which we included a least one web 2.0 resource.

Our group (Candela, Micaela and me) decided to work on these topics and use vocabulary of routines. We came up with the idea of a final task which included the use of two 2.0 resources. For the final task, students would create a comic using Toondoo, a website to design and create comics. On a side note, it is important to mention that we decided to use Toondoo because it is free and it has many characters, props and cliparts to use. This was very important because I think that it helps to develop our student's creativity, since they have many things they can choose to include in their cartoons. As a preparation for the final task, we would introduce the topic of verb phrases and routines and provide our students with an example of a cartoon they could create. Here's ours:

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge
After having presented and talked about routines in Argentina and gave our students the model of the final task, we would ask them to find in the comic and the dictionary phrases with go, have and get, and classify them using Popplet. Popplet is presented as a tool for learning:  "Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them." This is the popplet we presented to our students:

Click to enlarge
We decided to use ToonDoo and Popplet, but there are many other resources and different uses for the same resources we chose. In my opinion, the key is to use them as a motivation for our students and as a way to bring about novelty in our proposal. 
If you would like to see the whole didactic sequence we planned, you can take a look at this PreziIf you would like to know more about web 2.0 resources, take a look at my previous post.
See you soon!

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